Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision

Our Vision:

To worship Christ, grow disciples, build community, serve our neighbors, reach the lost, and in all things Glorify God.

Our Mission:

To glorify God and enjoy Him forever by making disciples and faithfully serving Christ.

We are Committed to Worship – We believe that God’s Word is the center and heart of worship.  We pray the Bible, preach the Bible, and sing the Bible.  We long to see sinners converted and saints maturing in their faith.  As a church, we also long to see the day that every believer is consistently present, with hearts engaged in worship.  All other ministry and discipleship endeavors flow from worship.

We are Committed to Growing Disciples – We long for the Holy Spirit to be present in the hearts of those who gather at Brandon Presbyterian Church.  Without the Holy Spirit at work, hearts will not be converted to Christ and believers will not grow in grace.  We are committed to encouraging faithful, Christ-like growth in every believer and follower of Jesus Christ.  

We are Committed to Building Community – We long for genuine communion of the saints that is marked by a depth of fellowship and shared Christian life flowing from our union with Christ.  Fellowship is not merely something we create with each other out of shared common interests. We are committed to building community that is established in our church around the shared love of worshiping God, but that continues throughout eternity as the glorified body of Christ is united together in Heaven to praise and worship God. 

We are Committed to Serving our Neighbors – In God’s providence, our church has resided on South College Street in Brandon since 1870.  As such, we long to be kind, loving neighbors and faithful witnesses to the gospel to the neighborhoods and schools surrounding our campus.

We are Committed to Reaching the Lost – We long to see sinners repent and believe in the completed work of Jesus Christ through his life, death, and resurrection.  As we seek to reach those around us who have not heard the good news of the Gospel of Christ, we seek to be faithful, humble, patient, loving, and winsome in the way we live our lives and share our faith. 

We are Committed to Glorifying God and Enjoying Him Forever – We believe that our primary purpose is to glorify God specifically in worship through prayer and praise, and to enjoy God as He speaks to us through His word and sacraments.  We long to see each believer delighting more in the worship of God in public, in private, and with their family.  And we long to see the eternal benefits of communion with Him expressed through an ever-increasing love for His Word and delight in living a life of faithfulness to Christ at home and at work.