

We are Committed to Growing Disciples

We long for the Holy Spirit to be present in the hearts of those who gather at Brandon Presbyterian Church.  Without the Holy Spirit at work, hearts will not be converted to Christ and believers will not grow in grace.  We are committed to encouraging faithful, Christ-like growth in every believer and follower of Jesus Christ. 


BPC serves children from birth to three years old during Sunday school, worship, and Sunday evening activities.  Our nursery views caring for these children as a ministry to our young families.  As children turn two years old, they are transitioned into the preschool Sunday school class to begin developing skills to sit and learn basic Bible stories with age-appropriate crafts and activities to reinforce learning.

Children’s Ministry:

BPC Children’s Ministry serves children ages 4 through 6th grade for Sunday School, children’s church, and Sunday evening discipleship activities. Ministry to parents is an extension of children’s ministry as we seek to equip our families to disciple their children at home and build genuine community among the families.  Our children’s ministry is driven by a commitment to teach the children the Bible.  Additionally, we focus our Sunday evening discipleship activities on a rotation of children’s catechism, missionaries, church history, and Christian living topics that encourage thinking Biblically and loving each other well.

We want our children to know the love of God in Christ Jesus, to have the Word of God hidden in their hearts, and to be prepared to employ their spiritual gifts in the church. While we are not a program-driven children’s ministry, we embrace the opportunities to disciple our children, promote intergenerational relationships, and extend outreach to the community through activities such as Vacation Bible School, Reformation Sunday picnic, Children’s Christmas party, Easter Egg Hunt, and Back-to-School swim party.

Youth Ministry:

BPC serves youth from 7th – 12th grade for Sunday School and Sunday evening youth group. Sunday mornings are focused on studying the Bible, encouraging students to participate in discussions designed to help them apply sound doctrine to their lives.

During Youth Group on Sunday evening, the youth share a meal together, followed by a short Bible teaching that helps students learn to apply the Bible to real-life situations so that they grow in a Biblical world and life view.  After the Bible study, the students enjoy fellowship while participating in fun games and activities. 

Our youth also regularly participate in outside activities together and attend the RYM Conference each summer. 

Women’s Ministry:

BPC Women’s Ministry serves women starting at ages 18 and continuing throughout life. The mission of the women’s ministry is to see women glorify God, know Christ personally, and be committed to extending His kingdom. The focus of our women’s ministry is to teach and apply the Bible and theology with specific application to the life of a woman.

The women’s ministry is organized by a leadership team that meets monthly to oversee the planning, preparation, and prayer for women’s Bible studies, events, and service projects.

The goal of our women’s ministry is to encourage our women to grow in their biblical and theological understanding, to support the needs of the church and their families, and to utilize their gifts in ministry. Some examples include: Bible and book studies; ministry programs with fellowship meals; and service opportunities such as a sewing ministry, providing meals for those in need, and hosting showers.

Men’s Ministry:

BPC Men’s Ministry serves men starting at age 18 and seeks to encourage and disciple them throughout life.  The mission of the men’s ministry is to see men grow as disciples of Christ who serve, lead, and are faithful models of Christian character.

The men’s ministry is organized by a leadership team who are responsible for organizing the book studies, events, and service projects for the men of the church.

The goal of our men’s ministry is to encourage our men to grow in their biblical and theological understanding, to lead at home and in the church, and to provide opportunities for fellowship and service.  Some examples of men’s ministry projects include: Bible-based book study, men’s prayer breakfast held the first Saturday of the month from September-May, Service Projects for Members (Yard Work, Storm Cleanup, Wheelchair Ramp Construction, Home Repair, and Workdays at the Church), Church cookouts, and annual fellowship gatherings such as an annual golf tournament and shooting events.

Choir / Music Ministry:

The choir of BPC serves the congregation by assisting in worship through the singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. The choir meets weekly on Sunday evenings to rehearse and prepare hymns, anthems, and special music. The adult choir also leads the congregation in worship with the annual Christmas Cantata each year. Occasionally the music ministry at BPC arranges for musicians from the community to contribute their musical talents to our worship services. In addition, members of our congregation, including children and youth, are encouraged to utilize their musical gifts – vocal or instrumental for preludes or special music during worship.